
Making Love in a Disaster Zone.....

And this is how it's done, folks; lay down your ego, leave your presumptions at the door..... here is how to make a real change.

Go, Gene Taylor, Go!!!

Well, it's been a long time since I posted here, but it has not been because there isn't a lot still going on in regards to Hurricane Katrina.... people are still homeless, getting screwed by their insurance companies, and there are still areas that have not even been touched as far as cleaning up. Of course, we Coastians have known that the rebuilding of the devastated areas would take a long time, so that's no surprise.

I'm restarting this blog to show the progress, lack thereof, and both the positive and negative of the current situation on the Coast. I may even re-visit my personal account of the story to finish that tale. As a partial update, my brother and his family have moved into their new home as of June, and are getting settled in.

The story I am reporting on here is just too good to let go by..... Rep. Gene Taylor took off the gloves in reponse to former FEMA director Michael Brown's comments in a recent Playboy interview. Despite Brown's stated intentions to restore his reputation in a "dignified way," he tells Taylor to "Bite me" in the interview.

But hey, go read the story yourself...